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Data protection notes

The protection of your personal data is a very important concern to the site operators. We treat your personal data as confidential and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Privacy Policy. If you use this website, various pieces of personal data will be collected. Personal information is data with which you can be personally identified. This privacy policy explains what information we collect and what we use it for. It also explains how this is accomplished and for what purpose. Please note that data transmitted via the internet (e.g. via email communication) may be subject to security breaches. Complete protection of your data from third-party access is not possible.

We inform you about the processing of the data of almost all groups of people, such as customers, applicants, suppliers, business partners and website visitors. For the sake of clarity, we have divided this detailed Privacy Policy into the following sections:

  1. General notes and mandatory information
  2. Information regarding the processing of personal data for our own business purposes
  3. Information about the processing of data on this website

1. General notes and mandatory information

Who is responsible for data collection on this website?

Data is collected on this website by the website operator. You can obtain the website operator’s contact details from the legal notice on this website.

How do we collect your data?

Your data is, on the one hand, collected when you provide it to us. This could, for example, be data you enter on a contact form. Other data is collected automatically or after you provided your consent by our IT systems when you visit the website. These data are primarily technical data such as the browser and operating system you are using or when you accessed the page. This data is collected automatically as soon as you access this website.

What do we use your data for?

Part of the data is collected to ensure the proper functioning of the website. Other data can be used to analyse how you use the site.

What are your rights regarding your data?

You have the right at any time to obtain information free of charge on the origin, recipients and purpose of your stored personal data. You also have the right to have this data corrected or deleted. In case you provided your consent to the processing of your data, you may withdraw your consent at any time. You have also the right to demand restriction of processing of your personal data under certain circumstances. Moreover, you have the right to file complaints with the competent supervisory authority.

Regarding your data protection rights and any additional data protection questions you may have, please contact us at any time at

SSL / TLS encryption

This website uses SSL and TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content such as orders or enquiries you send to us as the site operators. You can recognise an encrypted connection in your browser’s address line when it changes from “http://” to “https://” and the lock icon is displayed in your browser’s address bar. If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, third parties cannot read the data you transmit to us.

Encrypted payment transactions on this website

If after the conclusion of a fee-based agreement you are obliged to provide us with your payment data (e.g. bank account number in the case of a direct debit authorisation), this data is needed to process payments. Payment transactions via customary payment methods (Visa/MasterCard, direct debiting) are exclusively performed using encrypted SSL or TLS connections. You can recognise an encrypted connection in your browser’s address line when it changes from “http://” to “https://” and the lock icon is displayed in your browser’s address bar. In the case of encrypted communication, third parties cannot read the payment data you transmit to us.

Analytics and third-party tools

When visiting this website, statistical analyses may be made of your browsing behaviour. This happens primarily using cookies and analytics. Detailed information on these analysis programmes can be obtained from the following privacy policy.

Information about the controller

The controller responsible for data processing on this website is:

POLO Motorrad und Sportswear GmbH
Polostraße 1
41363 Jüchen
Telefon: 02165 / 84 40 200

The controller is the natural or legal person which, alone or jointly with others, makes decisions regarding the purposes and means for processing personal data (such as names, email addresses and similar).

Mandatory data protection officer

We have appointed a data protection officer for our company.

Fabio Pastars
DPN Datenschutz GmbH & Co. KG
Helmholtzstraße 26
41747 Viersen
Telefon: 02162/3618690

Withdrawal of your consent to the processing of your data

Many data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time. An informal email making this request is sufficient. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before the withdrawal.

Right to object to data collection in specific cases, as well as for direct marketing purposes (Art. 21 GDPR)



Right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority

In the case of infringements of the GDPR, data subjects have a right to lodge complaints with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of their habitual residence, their place of work or place of the alleged infringement. The right to lodge a complaint is without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedies.

Right to data portability

You have the right to have data which we process based on your consent or in fulfilment of a contract automatically delivered to yourself or to a third party in a standard, machine-readable format. If you require the direct transfer of data to another responsible party, this will only be done to the extent technically feasible.

Information, Erasure and Correction

You have the right within the scope of applicable laws to be informed at any time and free of charge about your personal data which is stored, its origin and recipients and the purpose of data processing and possibly a right to have this data corrected or erased. You may contact us via the address provided in the legal notice about this and any other questions you may have about personal data at any time.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to demand restriction of processing of your personal data. Regarding the above rights, you may contact us at any time at the address provided in the legal notice segment. You have the right to demand restriction of processing in the following cases:

If you contest the accuracy of your personal data stored with us, we will, in general, need some time to verify this. You have the right to demand restriction of processing of your personal data for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of your personal data. If the processing of your personal data was / is unlawful, you may demand restriction of processing instead of erasure. If we no longer need your personal data, but you need this data for the exercise, defence or establishment of legal claims, you have the right to demand restriction of processing instead of erasure of your personal data. If you objected to processing pursuant to Art. 21 (1) GDPR, your and our interests must be balanced. As long as it is not yet decided whose interests are overriding, you have the right to demand restriction of processing of your personal data.

If you have restricted processing of your personal data, these data may - with the exception of storage - only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or a Member State.

2. Information regarding the processing of personal data for our own business purposes

1. Purposes and legal bases of processing

We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes:

Applicant data

We collect and process applicant data for the purpose of conducting application procedures, to the extent necessary for the decision to establish an employment relationship with us. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 (1) in conjunction with Section 8 S. 2 Federal Data Protection Act [BDSG]. When we hire applicants, we may process provided personal data in accordance with Section 26 (1) Federal Data Protection Act [BDSG], if this processing is necessary for employment relationship purposes. We store the data of unsuccessful applicants for the potential defence against asserted legal claims arising from the application process of up to 6 months after receipt of rejection in text form based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest in this relation is a burden of proof in a procedure under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). Any further storage will only take place with the applicant’s express consent.

Processing of personal data in the online shop and our stores

  1. For preparing a quotation (initiation of a purchase contract) as well as for concluding and executing of purchase contracts and orders. These processing activities are based on Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR, which permits data processing (including transmission) for performance of contract purposes.
  2. In the case of hire-purchases also for the conduct of enquiries regarding a hire-purchase and for the drafting of hire-purchase contracts. This processing is exclusively based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Within the scope of a hire-purchase, we will, on grounds of our legitimate interest, obtain creditworthiness information based on mathematical and statistical methods using your address details.
  3. Verification of your address to check the deliverability of consignments. For this purpose, we transmit your full name, your address and, if applicable, your communication data to Deutsche Post Direkt GmbH, Junkersring 57, 53844 Troisdorf. This processing is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest pursuant to Article 6 (1) f) DSGVO, whereby the legitimate interest lies in avoiding unnecessary costs for undeliverable consignments. .
  4. We also process personal data for carrying out promotions and prize draws. The processing is based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Once the promotion is completed, the relevant data you submit to us will be erased, unless otherwise provided for by the statutory or contractual retention requirements.
  5. We can also use the addresses of our existing customers for postal advertising of our offer brochures, catalogues and the like. The processing is based on Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is personal direct advertising. You are entitled to object to the use of your data for the purpose of direct advertising at any time.
  6. For advertising via email in the form of offers, reminders about uncompleted shopping carts and the like, we use the email addresses of our existing customers, i.e. only those already engaged in a business relationship with us. The processing is based on Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR in conjunction with Article 7 (3) UWG (German Act against Unfair Competition). Our legitimate interest is based on a simple and beneficial targeted advertising for our existing customers and the improvement of their shopping experience. Of course, in compliance with the stringent requirements set out in Section 7 (3) UWG (German Act against Unfair Competition), which permits the use of the email address of existing customers under certain conditions. You are entitled to object to the use of your email address for these purposes at any time.
2. Data transmission

Personal data collected by us will be transmitted to third parties only if this is necessary for contract processing purposes, e.g. to shipping companies for the delivery of goods or to contracted payment processing services providers. Your personal data is only transmitted otherwise, if you expressly agreed to such transmission. Your personal data will not be provided to third parties without your explicit consent e.g. for advertising purposes. The legal basis for this data processing is Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR, which permits the processing of data to fulfil a contract or for pre-contractual measures.

3. Data storage

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as it is required for contractual or other purposes for which it was collected or if statutory or contractual retention requirements apply. Statutory retention periods are determined, among other things, in accordance with provisions relating to social and tax laws, and range up to ten years for tax-relevant documents and items.

4. Automated decision-making

To carry out deliveries for which separate payment is agreed (invoice, direct debit or hire-purchase) it may be necessary to obtain creditworthiness information about you. For this purpose, we communicate your data (name, address, if available, birth date) to SCHUFA Holding AG, Kormoran Weg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden and/or to Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Hellersbergstraße 11, 41460 Neuss. This processing is based on our legitimate interest according to Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR in conjunction with Article 22 (2) (a) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is here the avoidance of the financial risk of payment defaults for delivered goods. We expressly note that we collect or use probability values regarding your future conduct within the scope of risk control for decision making purposes and that address data is also used for the calculation of these probability values. The processing is based on Section 31 (1) of the Federal Data Protection Act [BDSG] (new). You have the right to object to this processing of your data. In this case, we can, however, only offer payment in advance payment methods to you.

3. Data collection on this website

External hosting

This website is hosted by an external service provider (host). Personal data collected on this website are stored on the host’s servers. These stored data are primarily IP addresses, contact enquiries, meta data and communication data, contract data, contact data, names, web page access data and other data generated on the website. The host is used for the performance of contracts with potential and existing customers (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR) and in the interest of a secure, fast and efficient provision of our online offerings by a professional service provider (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Our host will only process your data in so far as this is necessary to meet its contractual performance obligations and to comply with our instructions regarding these data.

Conclusion of a data processing agreement with a processor

To ensure data protection compliant processing, we entered into a data processing agreement with our host (processor).


Our Internet pages use so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files and do not cause any damage to your device. Cookies are stored on your device either temporarily for the duration of a session (session cookies) or permanently (permanent cookies). Session cookies are automatically erased after your visit. Permanent cookies remain stored on your device until you erase them or they are automatically deleted by your browser.

Some cookies may also be stored on your device by third parties, when you access our web page (third party cookies). These cookies enable us or you to use certain services of the respective third party (e.g. cookies for the processing of payment services).

Cookies have various functions. Numerous cookies are necessary for technical reasons, because certain web page functions would not work without those cookies (e.g. shopping cart function or display of a video). Other cookies are used to analyse user behaviour or display ads.

Cookies that are required to realise the electronic communication procedure (required cookies) or to provide certain functions you want to use (functional cookies, e.g. for the shopping cart function) or to optimise the web page (e.g. cookies that provide measurable insights into the web audience), are stored based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, unless another legal basis is specified. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the storage of cookies to ensure technical error free and optimized provision of its services. If your consent to the storage of the cookies has been requested, the respective cookies are stored exclusively on the basis of this consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR); consent may be withdrawn at any time.

You can configure your browser to notify you when cookies are placed and to only permit cookies in exceptions, to exclude the acceptance of cookies in particular cases or in general as well as to automatically delete the cookies when you close your browser. Deactivating cookies may limit the functionality of this website.

If cookies of third parties or for analysis purposes are used, we will separately inform you within the scope of this privacy policy and, if applicable, ask for your consent.

Cookie consent with the use of Cookiebot

This website uses the Cookie Consent Technology “Cookiebot” to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies on your device and to document this consent in a data protection compliant form. Provider of this technology is Cybot A/S, Havnegade 39, 1058 Copenhagen, Denmark, hereinafter “Cybot”. By using the function “Cookiebot”, the provider informs the user about the use of cookies on the website and provides the user with the option to decide on their usage. If the user consents to the use of cookies, the following data is automatically logged by Cybot:

  • anonymised IP number of the user;
  • date and time of the consent;
  • user agent of the end-user’s browser;
  • URL of the provider
  • an anonymous, random and encrypted key.
  • The accepted cookies by the user (cookie status), which is used as evidence of the provided consent.
The encrypted key and the cookie status are stored on the user’s device by means of a cookie, so that the respective cookie status can be created when the pages are accessed in the future. This cookie deletes itself automatically after 12 months. Cookiebot is used to obtain mandatory consents for the use of cookies. Legal basis is here Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The provider’s legitimate interest is the user friendliness of the website, as well as compliance with statutory requirements arising from GDPR. The user may prevent or terminate the installation of the cookie, as well as its storage and as such the user’s consent, by the appropriate browser settings. Additional information is provided above under the Item “Cookies”. Cybot provides additional information at the following link:

You can change your consent settings and optain further information on the cookies used by this website in our Cookie Policy.

Data processing agreement

We entered into a data processing agreement with the provider. This agreement is a contract required by data protection law, which ensures that the provider processes personal data of our website visitors only in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

Use of the POLO Bike Database

You may use the POLO Bike Database to store your bike(s) and to receive more specific offers based on the provided information.

Visitors with Customer Account

If you are logged on as customer, you may independently store and also manage up to five bikes in your account (create, edit and delete). We store these data in our customer database under your customer account. In addition, a cookie is placed on your device in which the recorded bikes are stored. This cookie does not contain any personal data, but exclusively your recoded bike (manufacturer/type/model). This allows us to always display the fitting parts for your bike, even if you are not logged into the online shop. Furthermore, we can use this cookie to provide you with fitting offers for your bike also outside of our web shop. If you do not want this functionality, you can set your browser such, that this cookie is not set. We also use these data to provide you with personalised offers (per email, by post or online). If you do not want this service, you may object to the use of this information at any time.

Visitors without Customer Account

If you use our Bike Database as a visitor without being logged on, a cookie will be set for a period of 365 days. This allows us to display to you the fitting parts for your bike without a customer login being required. This cookie does not contain any personal data, but exclusively your recoded bike (manufacturer/type/model). Furthermore, we can use this cookie to provide you with fitting offers for your bike also outside of our web shop. If you do not want this functionality, you can set your browser such, that this cookie is not stored.

Server log files

The website provider collects and stores information automatically in server log files, which your browser transmits to us automatically. These are:

browser type and version
used operating system
referrer URL
host name of the accessing device
time of the server request
IP address

This data is not combined with other data sources.

Collection of these data is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the technical error free presentation and optimisation of its website - for this purpose the sever log files must be recorded.

Contact form

If you send enquiries to us through the contact form, we will store the information you supplied in the contact form including any contact details for the purpose of processing your enquiry. We will not share this data without your consent. Processing of these data is based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR, if your enquiry is in connection with the performance of a contract or is necessary to conduct pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective handling of enquiries we receive Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR or on your provided consent Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, if we requested your consent. The data you enter into the contact form remains with us until you request that we delete it, withdraw your consent to its storage, or the purpose for which the data was stored becomes obsolete (e.g. after your enquiry has been processed). Mandatory statutory provisions - particularly record retention periods - remain unaffected.

Enquiry by email, telephone or telefax

If you contact us by email, telephone or telefax, your enquiry, including all personal data resulting therefrom (name, enquiry), will be stored and processed at us for the purpose of handling your matter. We will not share this data without your consent. Processing of these data is based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR, if your enquiry is in connection with the performance of a contract or is necessary to conduct pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective handling of enquiries we receive Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR or on your provided consent Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, if we requested your consent. The data you enter into the contact form remains with us until you request that we delete it, you withdraw your consent to its storage, or the purpose for which the data was stored becomes obsolete (e.g. after your enquiry has been processed). Mandatory statutory provisions - in particular statutory retention periods - remain unaffected.

Registration on this website

You may register on this website to use additional functions on the web page. We will use the data entered for this purpose only for the usage of the respective offer or service for which you registered. Mandatory information for the registration must be provided completely. Otherwise, we will reject registration. For important changes, e.g. scope of offer or technical necessary changes, we will use the email address provided with the registration to inform you. Processing of the data provided with the registration is conducted to realise the utilization relationship created by the registration and, possibly, to initiate additional contracts (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR). We store the data collected with the registration as long as you are registered on this website and subsequently delete this data. Statutory retention periods remain unaffected.

4. Analytics tools and advertising


We use certain analysis tools on our website to create usage profiles using pseudonymisation. User profiles are, however, not matched with pseudonym data, unless the user provides his or her express consent. Please refer to the following explanations for additional details.

Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The provider is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". These are text files which are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is generally transferred to and stored on a server of Google in the U.S. Storage of Google Analytics cookies and usage of this analysis tool is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analysing user behaviour, to optimise both its web presence and also its advertising. Provided a respective consent was requested (e.g. consent to the storage of cookies), processing is exclusively based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR; consent may be withdrawn at any time.

IP anonymisation

We have activated the IP anonymisation function on this website. This means that your IP address is previously truncated within the member states of the European Union or other members of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google will use this information on behalf of the website operator to evaluate your use of the website, to prepare reports about the activities on the website and to deliver additional services related to the use of the website and the Internet to the website operator. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

Browser Plugin

You can set your web browser to prevent the storage of cookies; however, please note that you may not be able use all functions of this website to their full extent. In addition, you can prevent the collection of your website usage related data that is created by the cookie (including your IP address), as well as processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug at the following link:

Objection to data collection

You can prevent collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. Doing so will place an opt-out cookie which will prevent your data from being collected when you visit this website in future: Deactivation of Google Analytics.

You can find more information about what Google Analytics does with user data in Google’s privacy policy:

Data processing as a processor under GDPR

We entered into a data processing agreement with Google as processor and fully comply with the strict standards of the German data protection authorities when using Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Demographics

This website uses the Demographics feature of Google Analytics. This enables reports to be generated with information about age, gender and interests of website visitors. This data is derived from interest-based advertising by Google as well as third-party data on visitors. This data cannot be attributed to a specific person. You can deactivate this function at any time in the advertising settings of your Google account or prohibit the collection of your data by Google Analytics in general as explained in “Objecting to data collection”.

Storage period

Data on the user and event level stored at Google, which is linked to cookies, user IDs or advertising IDs (e.g. DoubleClick Cookies, Android advertising ID), will be anonymised or deleted after 14 months. Details are provided at the following link:

Google Analytics Remarketing

This website uses the functions of Google Analytics Remarketing in connection with the cross-device functions of Google Ads and Google DoubleClick. The provider is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)

This function allows to combine the target groups created by Google Analytics Remarketing with the cross-device functions of Google Ads and Google DoubleClick. By applying this functionality, interest-related, personalised advertising messages that are adapted to you according to your prior usage and surf behaviour with a device (e.g. mobile phone), can also be displayed on one of your other devices (e.g. tablet or PC).

If you provided your respective consent, Google will link for this purpose your web and app browser history with your Google account. By applying this functionality, the same personalised advertising messages can be displayed on each device with which you login into your Google account.

To support this function, Google Analytics captures the user Ids authenticated by Google and combines these Ids temporarily with our Google Analytics data to define and create target groups for cross-device advertising.

You may permanently object to cross-device Remarketing/Targeting by deactivating personalised advertising; for this purpose follow this link:

Consolidation of the collected data in your Google account is exclusively based on your consent, which you may provide or withdraw to Google (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR). If data collection activities are not consolidated in your Google account (e.g. because you do not have a Google account or you objected to consolidation), data collection is based on (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). The legitimate interest results from the website operator’s interest in the anonymised analysis of website visitors for advertising purposes.

Please find additional information and the data protection provisions in Google’s privacy policy at:

Google Ads and Google Conversion Tracking

This website uses Google Ads. Google Ads is an online advertising programme of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)

We use conversion tracking as part of Google Ads. A conversion tracking cookie is set you click on an ad placed by Google. Cookies are small text files which the Web browser places on a user’s device. These cookies expire after 30 days and are not used for the identification of individual users. If a user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not expired, we and Google can identify that the user clicked on the ad and was forwarded to this page. Each Google Ads customer receives a different cookie. Cookies cannot be traced via the websites of Google Ads customers. Information that is generated with the support of the conversion cookie is used to create conversion statistics for Google Ads customers that opted for conversion tracking. Customers are informed of the total number of users that clicked on their ad and which were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. AdWords customers do not, however, receive any information based on which users can be individually identified. If you do not want to participate in tracking, you can object to this use by easily deactivating the Google conversion tracking cookie in your Web browser’s user settings. If you do so, you will not be included in the conversion tracking statistics. Storage of “conversion cookies” and usage of this tracking tool is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analysing user behaviour, to optimise both its web presence and also its advertising. Provided a respective consent was requested (e.g. consent to the storage of cookies), processing is exclusively based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR; consent may be withdrawn at any time. You can find more information about Google Ads and Google Conversion Tracking in Google’s privacy policy:

You can configure your browser to notify you when cookies are placed and to only permit cookies in exceptions, to exclude the acceptance of cookies in particular cases or in general as well as to automatically delete the cookies when you close your browser. Deactivating cookies may limit the functionality of this website.

Application of Econda Webtracking and creation of usage profiles

We collect and store anonymized data based on econda GmbH solutions and technologies for the adequate design of our offerings, as well as the optimization of our website and all electronic and postal communication. Our legitimate interest according to Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR is here in the analysis, optimisation and the economic interest in the design of our online shop.

Based on these anonymous data, user profiles are created using pseudonyms. For this purpose, cookies are used, which enable recognition of an Internet browser. User profiles are, however, not matched with pseudonym data, unless the user provides his or her express consent. In particular IP addresses are made unrecognizable such that user profiles cannot be assigned to IP addresses. Collected data and created profiles are only and exclusively matched with the pseudonym, if the website visitor provided his or her explicit consent. The visitor declares his or her consent by actively clicking on the cookie banner on the start page.

Visitors of this website may object to the future collection and storage of this data at any time. If the visitor objects, an opt-out cookie with the name econdaNoTrack will be set by the Domain As long as you want to maintain this objection, you should not delete this cookie. The objection only applies to the device and the web browser on which the cookie is set - please repeat this procedure on all devices as appropriate. If you delete the opt-out cookie, we will again store by default any enquiries occurring thereafter.

Facebook Pixel

This website uses Facebook visitor action pixels to measure conversions. Provider of this service is Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. Collected data is, however, also transferred to the USA and other third countries according to information provided by Facebook. With visitor action pixels it is possible to track the behaviour of web page visitors after they were redirected to the provider’s website by clicking on a Facebook add. As a result the effectiveness of Facebook adds can be evaluated for statistical and market research purposes and future advertising measures can be optimised. The collected data is anonymous to us as the operator of this website, we cannot unmask the identity of the users. The data are, however, stored and processed by Facebook, so that a connection to the respective user profile is possible and Facebook may use the data for its own advertising purposes in accordance with the Facebook-data usage policy. Thereby, Facebook can enable the placing of adds on Facebook pages, as well as outside of Facebook. We as a website operator cannot influence this use of the data. Facebook pixels are used on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in effective advertising measures under inclusion of social media. Provided a respective consent was requested (e.g. consent to the storage of cookies), processing is exclusively based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR; consent may be withdrawn at any time. Please refer to the Facebook data protection notices regarding further information for the protection of your privacy:

You may also deactivate the Remarketing function “Custom Audiences” under settings for adds at For this purpose you must be logged in in Facebook. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can deactivate usage-based advertising by Facebook on the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance website:


This website uses the functions of Criteo. Provider is Criteo SA, 32 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris (hereinafter “Criteo”). Criteo is used to display on your devices interest-related advertising within the Criteo advertising network. Your interests are determined based on your previous usage behaviour. In this context Criteo collects for example which products you looked at, placed in the shopping cart or purchased. Additional details on the data Criteo collects can be found here: To be able to display interest-related advertising on your devices, we and other Criteo partners must be able to recognise you. For this purpose, a cookie is stored on your device or a comparable identificator is used, which links your user behaviour to a pseudonymous user profile. Please refer to the Criteo privacy policy for additional details at:

Your person-related data and Criteo cookies stored on your browser are stored for a maximum period of 13 months from the data collection date. Criteo is used in the interest for targeted advertising. This constitutes a legitimate interest in the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Provided a respective consent was requested (e.g. consent to the storage of cookies), processing is exclusively based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR; consent may be withdrawn at any time. You can set your browser such that your browser does no longer store any cookies. Such setting may, however, be associated with a restriction regarding accessible web page functions. Attention is drawn to the fact that Criteo may, under certain circumstances, also use other technologies to create user profiles. For this reason, deactivation of cookies is not a guarantee that user profiles are no longer created. We and Criteo are jointly controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 GDPR. An arrangement on joint processing was concluded between us and Criteo, whose material contents are described by Criteo at the following link:

Microsoft Clarity

This website uses the Microsoft Corporation's "Clarity" service. Clarity uses, among other things, cookies that enable an analysis of the use of our website, as well as a so-called tracking code. Clarity records the user interactions on our website, e.g. how the page was rendered and which interactions the user had on the website, e.g. mouse movements, clicks, scrolling etc. The code to capture this information is open source and available on GitHub. The information collected is transferred to Microsoft and stored there for 12 months. According to Microsoft, it can also be used for advertising purposes. The Controller of data processing is Microsoft. Data is processed on the basis of consent pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter a of the GDPR, which is obtained via the cookie banner when the website is visited. If you wish to object to the collection of data, you can delete the corresponding cookies in the browser or deactivate them in the cookie banner. Further information on Clarity can be found in the terms of use: The data protection information on Microsoft can be found here:


If you wish to receive our Newsletter, we will need your email address, which you can provide us with the Newsletter registration. We will verify your email address using the double-opt-in procedure. Only after the confirmation of our first opt-in email, we will transmit to you our periodic Newsletter. Additional data is not collected or only on a voluntary basis. We will use this data exclusively for the Newsletter distribution; processing is exclusively based on your consent pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. You may withdraw your consent for the Newsletter at any time, e.g. via the unsubscribe link in each Newsletter or by email to service(at) If you have a customer account, you can also manage your Newsletter subscription at any time in the “My POLO” section. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before the withdrawal. We will store your data until you unsubscribe from the Newsletter. If you unsubscribed from the Newsletter, your email address will possibly be stored in a blacklist at us or the Newsletter service provider to prevent future mailings. Data from the blacklist will only be used for this purpose and not matched with other data. This is in your interest and also in our interest to comply with statutory requirements regarding the distribution of Newsletters (legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Storage of the blacklist is not time limited. You may object to the storage, if your interests override our legitimate interest.

When you subscribe to the POLO Newsletter, you provide your consent to POLO to use the data you provided, as well as personalized user data, in order for POLO to present to you personalized advertising and / or special offerings and services. For this purpose we use the information provided by you and automatically generated information, such as e.g. receipt and read confirmations of emails, visit date and time at our online shops, products for which you showed interest or your order history. We expressly use this information in personalised form. Such information helps us to improve our web pages and our offerings for you and to send individual emails to you. This processing is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, our legitimate interest is based on a better and personalised design of our Newsletter. At the same time we improve your purchasing experience through personalization - because due to personalization we will primarily send information to you that corresponds to your preferences and areas of interest. At the same time we also avoid indiscriminate distribution of unnecessary advertising to you. If you wish to no longer receive personalized advertising or the Newsletter from POLO, you may object to receiving personalized advertising or the Newsletter in general or to certain measures. You will find, of course, an unsubscribe link in each Newsletter.


Newsletters are distributed by Inxmail GmbH, Wentzingerstr. 17, 79106 Freiburg. Inxmail is a service with which a.o. distribution of Newsletters can be organised and analysed. When you enter data for the Receipt of the Newsletter (e.g. email address), these data will be stored on the Inxmail servers within the EU. With the help of Inxmail, we can analyse our Newsletter campaigns. When you open an email sent by Inxmail, a file contained in the email (so-called web-beacon) connects to the Inxmail servers. This way it can be identified, whether a Newsletter message was opened and which links were clicked, if any. Technical information is also collected (e.g. access time, IP address, browser type and operating system). This information cannot be matched with the respective Newsletter recipient. This information is exclusively used for the statistical analysis of Newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to better adapt future Newsletters to the interests of the recipients.

If you do not want that Inxmail conducts analyses, you must unsubscribe from the Newsletter. For this purpose, we provide with each Newsletter message a corresponding link. You may also unsubscribe from the Newsletter directly on the website.

Data processing is based on your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from the Newsletter. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before the withdrawal.

Data that you provided to us for the receipt of the Newsletter will be stored with us / Newsletter service provider until you unsubscribe from the Newsletter and after you unsubscribed from the Newsletter this data is deleted from the Newsletter distribution list. Data stored with us for other purposes remain unaffected.

After you have been taken off the Newsletter distribution list, your email address will possibly be stored in a blacklist at us or the Newsletter service provider to prevent future mailings. Data from the blacklist will only be used for this purpose and not matched with other data. This is in your interest and also in our interest to comply with statutory requirements regarding the distribution of Newsletters (legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Storage of the blacklist is not time limited. You may object to the storage, if your interests override our legitimate interest.

For additional information, please refer to the Inxmail data protection provisions at:

Data processing as a processor under GDPR

We entered into a data processing agreement with Inxmail

5. Plugins and tools

Google Web Fonts

This website uses Web fonts provided by Google to consistently display fonts. When you access a page, your browser downloads the required Web fonts into the browser cache to display text and fonts as intended. For this purpose, your browser needs to establish a connection to Google’s servers. This notifies Google that this website was accessed from your IP address. Google WebFonts are used on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the consistent presentation of the type face on its website. Provided a respective consent was requested (e.g. consent to the storage of cookies), processing is exclusively based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR; consent may be withdrawn at any time. If your browser does not support Web Fonts, a standard font from your device will be used. You can find more information about Google Web Fonts at and in Google’s privacy policy:

Google Maps

This website uses the Google Maps service via an API. The provider is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) To use the functions of Google Maps, it is necessary to store your IP address. This information is generally transmitted to a server belonging to Google in the USA and stored there. The provider of this website has not control over this transmission. We use Google Maps in the interest of ensuring an appealing presentation of our online offers and to make it easy to find the locations we specify on the website. This constitutes a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Provided a respective consent was requested, processing is exclusively based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR; consent may be withdrawn at any time.

You can find more information about what Google does with user data in Google’s privacy policy:

6. eCommerce and payment service providers

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